Testing methods

No.Parameter to be determinedMethodAccred.
1Testing of aggregates and measurements of unbonded layers
1.1Testing of aggregates
1.1.01Sampling of aggregates (≤ 20 mm)LVS EN 932-1:1996 A
1.1.02Sampling of aggregates (> 20 mm)LVS EN 932-1:1996 A
1.1.03Dividing of sample (preparation of A, B, C samples)LVS EN 932-2:1999A
1.1.04Dividing of sample (fine aggregates)LVS EN 932-2:1999 A
1.1.05Dividing of sample (coarse aggregates)LVS EN 932-2:1999 A
1.1.06Proctor specific gravity and optimum moisture (mold A, d=100mm), set of 5 samplesLVS EN 13286-2:2012A
1.1.07Proctor specific gravity and optimum moisture (mold B, d=150mm), set of 5 samplesLVS EN 13286-2:2012A
1.1.08Particle size distribution (fine and fracionated aggregates)LVS EN 933-1:2012A
1.1.09Particle size distribution (mixes 0/16 - 0/56)LVS EN 933-1:2012A
1.1.10Particle size distribution (mixes > 0/56)LVS EN 933-1:2012A
1.1.11Water contentLVS EN 1097-5:2012A
1.1.12Filtration coefficient for sand (without determination of Proctor properties)Road specifications 2019 12.3.p.; Road construction specifications ABS 2023/1 8.3.pA
1.1.13Determination of percentage of crushed particles in coarse and all-in natural fractionated aggregatesLVS EN 933-5:2023A
1.1.14Determination of percentage of crushed particles in coarse and all-in natural mixtures of aggregatesLVS EN 933-5:2023A
1.1.15Immediate bearing index (without determination of Proctor properties)LVS EN 13286-47:2014
1.1.16California bearing ratio - CBR (without determination of Proctor properties), with 96h soakingLVS EN 13286-47:2014
1.1.17Determination of particle density (without water absorption)LVS EN 1097-6:2022A
1.1.18Determination of particle density and water absorptionLVS EN 1097-6:2022A
1.1.19Flow coefficient of aggregates (with particle density determination)LVS EN 933-6:2014A
1.1.20Methylene blue testLVS EN 933-9 + A1:2019
1.1.21Sand equivalent test*LVS EN 933-8 + A1:2019
1.1.22Flakiness index*LVS EN 933-3:2014
1.1.23Shape indexLVS EN 933-4:2012A
1.1.24Los Angeles CoefficientLVS EN 1097-2:2020A
1.1.25Determination of the resistance to wear by abrasion from studded tyres (Nordic test), with determination of particle density*LVS EN 1097-9:2014
1.1.26Magnesium sulfate testLVS EN 1367-2:2011 A
1.1.27Determination of liquid and plastic limits of soilASTM D 4318-05
LVS CEN ISO 17892-12:2018
1.1.28Determination of pH of soilInstrukcija
1.1.29Determination of the content of organic compoundsRoad specifications 2019, 12.5.p.; Road construction specifications ABS 2023/1 8.5.p
1.1.30Determination of the loose bulk density (fine aggregates)LVS EN 1097-3:1998
1.1.31Determination of resistance to freezing and thawingLVS EN 1367-1:2013
1.2Measurements of unbonded layers
1.2.01Determination of the volumetric weight of the soil or sand layer by the ring methodBS 1377-9:1990A
1.2.02Determination of the volumetric weight of soil or aggregates ≤ 45 mm layer by the sand replacement methodASTM D 1556-07
1.2.03Aggregates ≤ 45mm layer determination of compaction
(point Proctor)
ASTM D 1556-07
LVS EN 13286-2:2012
1.2.04Aggregates ≤ 45mm layer determination of compaction
(point Proctor, without drying)
ASTM D 1556-07
LVS EN 13286-2:2012
1.2.05Measurements of compaction and/or bearing capacity of the constructed unbound layer with operational testing equipment (penetrometer or falling weight deflectometer)Instruction
1.2.06Plate load test (determination of EV1 un EV2)DIN 18134:2012A
1.2.07Thickness measurements of unbonded layers (per layer), including digging or coringRoad specifications 2019 5.p.; Road construction specifications ABS 2023/1 5.p
1.2.08Measurements of the thickness of the constructive layers of unbound gravel roads up to a depth of 1m-
2Testing of bituminous binders
2.1.01Sampling bituminous bindersLVS EN 58:2013A
2.1.02Bitumen recovery by Rotary evaporatorLVS EN 12697-3 + A1:2019
2.1.03Preparation of test samples of bitumenLVS EN 12594:2015
2.1.04Determination of needle penetration of bitumenLVS EN 1426:2019A
2.1.05Determination of the softening point of bitumen (Ring and Ball method)LVS EN 1427:2019A
2.1.06Determination of the Fraass breaking point of bitumenLVS EN 12593:2019
3Testing of bituminous bounded materials and layers
3.1Testing of bituminous mixtures
3.1.01Sampling of bituminous mixturesLVS EN 12697-27:2017A
3.1.02Dividing of sample of bituminous mixtures (preparation of A, B, C samples)LVS EN 12697-28:2020A
3.1.03Preparation of sample for testingLVS EN 12697-28:2020A
3.1.04Preparation of bituminous specimens by impact compactor (Marshall samples)LVS EN 12697-30:2019A
3.1.05Determination of bulk density of bituminous specimensLVS EN 12697-6:2022 (B, D metode)A
3.1.06Determination of the maximum density (with water)LVS EN 12697-5:2019 (A metode: Tilpuma metode)A
3.1.07Determination of the maximum density (with solvent)LVS EN 12697-5:2019 (A metode: Tilpuma metode)A
3.1.08Determination of void characteristics of bituminous specimens (calculation)LVS EN 12697-8:2019A
3.1.09Determination of soluble binder content (≤ 22 mm)LVS EN 12697-1:2020 (B 1.7 metode)A
3.1.10Determination of soluble binder content (> 22 mm)LVS EN 12697-1:2020 (B 1.7 metode)A
3.1.11Determination of particle size distribution (≤ 22 mm)LVS EN 12697-2 + A1:2019A
3.1.12Determination of particle size distribution (> 22 mm)LVS EN 12697-2 + A1:2019A
3.1.13Marshall stability and fluidity (without preparation of Marshall samples)LVS EN 12697-34:2020A
3.1.14Determination of the affinity between aggregate and bitumenLVS EN 12697-11:2020; Road specifications 2019; Road construction specifications ABS 2023/1
3.1.15Determination of the water sensitivity of bituminous specimens with preparation of Marshall samplesLVS EN 12697-12:2018 (A metode)A
3.1.16Determination of binder drainageLVS EN 12697-18:2017
3.1.17Wheel tracking test with small size device (WTS), including sample preparation for testing (also cored samples)LVS EN 12697-22:2022
LVS EN 12697-33:2019+A:2023
3.2Testing of bituminous layers
3.2.01Sampling from bituminous layer by coring (d = 100 mm)LVS EN 12697-27:2017 4.7.p.A
3.2.02Sampling from bituminous layer by coring (d = 150 mm)A
3.2.03Sampling from bituminous layer by coring (d = 200 mm)A
3.2.04Sampling from bituminous layer by coring (d = 250 mm)A
3.2.05Determination of the thickness of bituminous pavementLVS EN 12697-36:2022A
3.2.06Determination of thickness and compaction (void content) of bituminous layer (thickness, sawing of samples, bulk density, maximum density, without coring)-A
3.2.07Sawing of drilled samples -
3.2.08Determination of Interlayer Bonding between asphalt layersTP Asphalt-StB, Teil 80
3.2.09LVS EN 12697-48 7.p.
3.3Testing of hidraulicaly bound mixtures
3.3.01Preparation, conditioning and determination of the compressive strength of hydraulically bound mixtures, 3 samplesLVS EN 13286-41:2022A
3.3.02Determination of resistance to freezing and thawing of hydraulically bound samples (d=100 mm), 3 samplesLVS CEN/TS 12390-9:2017 (according with t° chart, image - 7)
3.3.03Determination of resistance to freezing and thawing of hydraulically bound samples (d=150 mm), 3 samplesLVS CEN/TS 12390-9:2017 (according with t° chart, image - 7)
3.4Testing of hidraulicaly bound layers
3.4.01Sampling from hydraulically bound layers by coring (d = 100 mm)-
3.4.02Sampling from hydraulically bound layers by coring (d = 150 mm)-
3.4.03Preparation and compressive strength of cored samples hydraulically bound layersLVS EN 13286-41:2022A
4Testing of concrete and concrete products
4.1Testing fresh concrete
4.1.01Sampling of fresh concrete LVS EN 12350-1:2019A
4.1.02Slump testLVS EN 12350-2:2019A
4.1.03Density of fresh concreteLVS EN 12350-6:2019A
4.1.04Air contentLVS EN 12350-7:2019A
4.2Testing hardened concrete
4.2.01Dimensions of specimenLVS EN 12390-1:2019A
4.2.02Making and curing specimens for strength testsLVS EN 12390-2:2019A
4.2.03Compressive strength 150 mm cubesLVS EN 12390-3:2019A
4.2.04Compressive strength 100 mm cubesLVS EN 12390-3:2020A
4.2.05Density of hardened concreteLVS EN 12390-7:2019A
4.2.06Freeze-thaw resistance (150 mm cubes), 4 samplesLVS CEN/TS 12390-9:2017 5.p. (56 cycles)
4.2.07Freeze-thaw resistance (100 mm cubes), 4 paraugiLVS CEN/TS 12390-9:2017 6.p. (56 cycles)
4.2.08Freeze-thaw resistance (100 mm cubes)LVS 156-1:2017 A. annex 1. method, 2. metod
4.2.09Freeze-thaw resistance (150 mm cubes)LVS 156-1:2017 A. annex 1. method, 2. method
4.2.10Flexural strength of test specimensLVS EN 12390-5:2019
4.2.11Tensile splitting strength of test specimensLVS EN 12390-6:2019
4.3Testing of Concrete paving blocks
4.3.1Sampling of Concrete paving blocksLVS EN 1338 B.2 annex
4.3.2Dimensions of Concrete paving blocks, 8 samplesLVS EN 1338 C annex
4.3.3Determination of resistance to freezing and thawing of Concrete paving blocks, 3 samplesLVS EN 1338 D annex
(28 cycles)
4.3.4Overall water absobtion of Concrete paving blocks, 3 samplesLVS EN 1338 E annex
4.3.5Tensile splitting strength of Concrete paving blocks, 8 samplesLVS EN 1338 F annex
4.4Testing of Concrete paving flags
4.4.1Sampling of Concrete paving flagsLVS EN 1339 B.2 annex
4.4.2Dimensions of Concrete paving flags, 8 samplesLVS EN 1339 C annex
4.4.3Determination of resistance to freezing and thawing of Concrete paving flags, 3 samplesLVS EN 1339 D annex
(28 cycles)
4.4.4Overall water absobtion of Concrete paving flags, 3 samplesLVS EN 1339 E annex
4.4.5Flexular strenght of Concrete paving flags, 8 samples*LVS EN 1339 F annex
4.5Testing of Concrete kerb units
4.5.1Sampling of concrete road kerb unitsLVS EN 1340 B.2 annex
4.5.2Sampling of concrete sidewalk kerb unitsLVS EN 1340 B.2 annex
4.5.3Dimensions of concrete road kerb units, 8 samplesLVS EN 1340 C annex
4.5.4Dimensions of concrete sidewalk kerb units, 8 samplesLVS EN 1340 C annex
4.5.5Determination of resistance to freezing and thawing of Concrete kerb units, 3 samplesLVS EN 1340 D annex
(28 cycles)
4.5.6Overall water absorbtion of Concrete kerb units, 3 samplesLVS EN 1340 E annex
4.5.7Flexular strength of concrete road kerb units*, 8 samplesLVS EN 1340 F annex
4.5.8Flexular strength of concrete sidewalk kerb units*, 8 samplesLVS EN 1340 F annex
5Other measurements and services
5.1.01Measurement of pavement surface macrotexture depth using a volumetric patch techniqueLVS EN 13036-1:2012
5.1.02Visual assessment of defects of surface dressingLVS EN 12272-2:2004
5.1.03Analysis of test results, consultations
5.1.04Driving to the site > 100 km one way
5.1.05Driving to the site < 100 km one way
5.1.06Idle time
5.1.07Testing documentation in electronic format (e-signature)
5.1.08Testing documentation in paper format and sending it by mail